Catalyst Mutual Enterprise C.I.C began as West Midlands Kick Start Partnership which was formed in 2003 as a response to the Regional Housing Board developing innovative approaches to the delivery of private sector housing services. As part of this initiative, our services were aimed at improving housing standards and energy awareness across the area. Following government cuts, we became a public sector mutual under the name of Catalyst Mutual Enterprise, enabling us to sustain the provision of these essential services that were previously supported through public funding.
Energy costs to heat cold homes are the second biggest cost to households, leading to fuel poverty and excess winter deaths. Our aim is to provide energy guidance and support to vulnerable residents across the West Midlands as we believe that everyone is entitled to safe, suitable and appropriate housing conditions. We offer assistance and advice on home energy saving and improvements that have a positive impact on those living in poor housing conditions. Through changing everyday behaviours with regards to energy use, we want to help people reduce both the money and carbon they are using.
We offer three primary service focused on combating Fuel Poverty: